Friday, April 11, 2008

FSW: Sunday Morning

Church, Sunday morning. We see an older teenage girl walking hand in hand with a small female child. The girl is alone and the child is calling her mommy. They pause at the door to a room with lots of other children inside.

MOM: I'll be back to pick you up after Sunday School! Have a good time and behave for your teacher!

DAUGHTER: OK, mommy, bye! (darts off to play with the kids)

(mom walks away, we see teacher start rounding up the kids for a lesson)
TEACHER: Boys and Girls, today we are going to talk about the Ten Commandments. I'll give you an explanation of each so you can understand them. (she opens up a Bible) You shall have no other gods before me, and you should not make yourself an idol and worship it. God, is the only God and we should worship just Him. (teacher looks at the kids to see if there are questions, seeing none she continues) You shall not misuse the name of the Lord, and remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Always speak using good language and never swear at God or use God's name in anger or with bad words. And, we rest on Sundays and keep the day free from work. It's a day to remember God. (she looks again, kids are still listening and goes on) Honor your father and mother. You shall not murder, commit adultery or steal. Don't give false testimony against your neighbor or covet what your neighbor has. Children, we want to make sure that we love our parents and show them respect. We don't kill people, lie or wish we had things that other people have. Are there any questions?

DAUGHTER: (raises hand, teacher nods) What's commit adultery?

TEACHER: (thinks for a moment, somewhat embarrassed in how to answer this question with a room full of children) Well, that one is for adults. So it doesn't matter what it is, you'll understand it when you get older.

DAUGHTER: (seems satisfied) OK, thank you! I get it!

(mom comes to pick up daughter, and they walk away together. Daughter starts telling her mom about the lesson.)

DAUGHTER: Mom! We learned about the Ten Commandments, and there is one that is just for adults. Don't commit adultery!

MOM:(surprised tone) Yes, that is for adults. Good job listening in class. I am very proud of you!



Church again, now we see Mom sitting with daughter in church, with families all around her. The minister is beginning to read from the Bible.
MINISTER: You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol... (minister continues speaking)

DAUGHTER: ( Loud whispers) Mom, these are the ten commandments! We learned about them in Sunday School, remember? Remember what I told you?

MOM: Shhhh, people can hear you, just listen. And yes, it is the ten commandments.

MINISTER: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God (minister continues speaking)

DAUGHTER: (normal voice, serious) Mom, this is where God says don't swear.

MOM: (looks around, sees others looking at her, some around her are trying to hold back laughter) Shhh, yes, we shouldn't swear.

MINISTER: Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God has provided for you. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery-

DAUGHTER: (stands up on pew and yells out) MOM! THAT'S FOR YOU!!!!!

Mom looks around and sees most people around her now laughing.

MOM: (sighs) Yes. You are right, that's for adults.



R.A. Porter said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Howdy, Red! Welcome to the party! Funny stuff.

Michael Brownlee said...

Um, weird. That was me before, but it wasn't, well, me. Anyhow. Again. Welcome. As you were.